
Open-Source Cryptocurrency Starter styled with Bulma CSS

Krypton Open-Source Cryptocurrency Starter styled with Bulma CSS - Main Image.


The product is actively supported and versioned.

Bulma Krypton

Krypton is an open-source Bulma ICO / Crypto template. The ui can be customised with ease on top existing SAAS/CSS files.

Built with Bulma

The Bulma framework is a free CSS solution based on the Flexbox layout. Bulma is also fully open-source, and the permissive (MIT) license allows the usage for hobby and commercial projects.

Gulp Tooling

The project can be compiled with only a few commnads typed in the terminal. Dependencies: Nodejs >= 10, Gulp 4.

Software Product - Logo. Version: v4.0.0
Product License - Logo. MIT License
Bulma CSS - Logo. Bulma v0.9.1
Gulp - Logo. Gulp Tooling

Project Screens

This Bulma-based products has a perfect layout on every device.

Bulma Fresh - App Screen Shot.
Bulma Fresh - App Screen Shot.
Bulma Fresh - App Screen Shot.
Bulma Fresh - App Screen Shot.
Bulma Fresh - App Screen Shot.
Bulma Fresh - App Screen Shot.

Build from Sources

To build the product without leaving this page please follow below set up.
For complete build instructions, please access the README file.

$ # Clone the source code
$ git clone
$ cd krypton

$ # Install Modules
$ npm install # OR `yarn`

$ # Start In Development Mode
$ npm run dev

  |-- docs/                 # Documentation
  |-- src/                  # Sources 
  |    |-- scss/            # Style (SCSS form)
  |    |   `-- main.scss
  |    |-- sass/            # Bulma Style
  |    |   `-- bulma.sass   
  |    |-- img/             # Assets: IMG
  |    |-- js/              # Assets: JS
  |    |-- layouts/         # Master Pages
  |    |-- partials/        # Components 
  |    |-- pages/           # Pages
  |        `-- index.html
  |-- .gitignore
  |-- config.js
  |-- gulpfile.js
  |-- package.json
Download Krypton

Want more? GO PRO!
Dashkit - Modern Business Dashboard crafted with Bulma.